“Contivio’s Salesforce Power Dialer has been a real game-changer for our Sales team. The reps create their list, hit the start button and start dialing directly from Salesforce. We couldn’t ask for an easier solution!”

A cloud solution gives you the flexibility to transform any computer (Mac or PC) into a fully-fledged phone system with just the Contivio app and a headset. Answer and dial all calls through an intuitive toolbar, which contains all standard phone functionality like call transferring, personal voicemail, call hold, call scripts, conferencing and more.
With Contivio, you have the flexibility to bring your own VoIP provider, or choose from our global partner list to find the ones that best fit your business needs.

Let your customer engage with you on their channel of choice. With Contivio’s Live Chat tool you can drive the look and feel from our chat configurator, and keep staff busy with upwards of five (5) chats at once. For a more automated experience configure comprehensive Chatbots or engagement “eye captures” from the Contivio admin portal directly.
To deliver a truly personalized customer experience, Contivio will dynamically route chat conversations and screen pop relevant customer data (e.g., contact records, existing cases, customer dashboards) while routing it to the most qualified agent available in the queue. Chat conversations will also store in your CRM automatically.

While emailing and calling is always important, it’s vital agents be creative when engaging with prospects and customers. With Contivio’s SMS/MMS package messages can sent and received ad-hoc, automated via CRM triggers or post-call as surveys. For a true personalized experience a 1 to 1 agent-to-customer bind ensures continuity throughout the conversation.
Gartner estimates roughly 98% of text messages are read. Deploying SMS/MMS within your contact center will help drive more sales and empower customers to engage at their will. Whether you want follow up with a new lead, contact an existing prospect, or text your customer after an order has been shipped, Contivio has you covered.

Having a single source of truth helps drive efficiency and visibility. With Contivio’s routing engine, incoming emails will push to your CRM and/or Helpdesk System such as Zendesk and screen pop to dedicated staff. Contivio also keeps blended email correspondence binded 1-to-1 (customer & agent), to cut down resolution times drastically.
With emails residing in your CRM supervisors can monitor response times and quality of service. Emails can also be handled in parallel to voice, chat and SMS/MMS to keep your staff operating at the highest capacity. By routing emails through Contivio’s email-to-case platform, you can consolidate all of your media channels and centralize where metrics are reported.

A cloud solution gives you the flexibility to transform any computer (Mac or PC) into a fully-fledged phone system with just the Contivio app and a headset. Answer and dial all calls through an intuitive toolbar, which contains all standard phone functionality like call transferring, personal voicemail, call hold, call scripts, conferencing and more.
With Contivio, you have the flexibility to bring your own VoIP provider, or choose from our global partner list to find the ones that best fit your business needs.
Voice & Voicemail

A cloud solution gives you the flexibility to transform any computer (Mac or PC) into a fully-fledged phone system with just the Contivio app and a headset. Answer and dial all calls through an intuitive toolbar, which contains all standard phone functionality like call transferring, personal voicemail, call hold, call scripts, conferencing and more.
With Contivio, you have the flexibility to bring your own VoIP provider, or choose from our global partner list to find the ones that best fit your business needs.
Live Chat

Let your customer engage with you on their channel of choice. With Contivio’s Live Chat tool you can drive the look and feel from our chat configurator, and keep staff busy with upwards of five (5) chats at once. For a more automated experience configure comprehensive Chatbots or engagement “eye captures” from the Contivio admin portal directly.
To deliver a truly personalized customer experinence, Contivio will dynamically route chat conversations and screen pop relevant customer data (e.g., contact records, existing cases, customer dashboards) while routing it to the most qualified agent available in the queue. Chat conversations will also store in your CRM automatically.

While emailing and calling is always important, it’s vital agents be creative when engaging with prospects and customers. With Contivio’s SMS/MMS package messages can sent and received ad-hoc, automated via CRM triggers or post-call as surveys. For a true personazlied experience a 1 to 1 agent-to-customer bind ensures continuity throughout the conversation.
Gartner estimates roughly 98% of text messages are read. Deploying SMS/MMS within your contact center will help drive more sales and empower customers to engage at their will. Whether you want follow up with a new lead, contact an existing prospect, or text your customer after an order has been shipped, Contivio has you covered.
Email & Case Management

Having a single source of truth helps drive effieciency and visibility. With Contivio’s routing engine, incoming emails will push to your CRM and/or Helpdesk System such as Zendesk and screen pop to dedicated staff. Contivio also keeps blended email correspodence binded 1-to-1 (customer & agent), to cut down resolution times drastically.
With emails residing in your CRM supervisors can monitor response times and quality of service. Emails can also be handled in parallel to voice, chat and SMS/MMS to keep your staff operating at the highest capacity. By routing emails through Contivio’s email-to-case platform, you can consolate all of your media channels and centralize where metrics are reported.
Web Forms

A cloud solution gives you the flexibility to transform any computer (Mac or PC) into a fully-fledged phone system with just the Contivio app and a headset. Answer and dial all calls through an intuitive toolbar, which contains all standard phone functionality like call transferring, personal voicemail, call hold, call scripts, conferencing and more.
With Contivio, you have the flexibility to bring your own VoIP provider, or choose from our global partner list to find the ones that best fit your business needs.
All The Tools to Guarantee Success

Embed relevant, actionable data from external apps where your teams work such as CRM or Ticketing Systems.

Contivio VoIP
Bundle your Call Center with Contivio's Global VoIP & WebRTC at a fraction of the cost of other VoIP carriers.

Support & PS
Extensive multichannel features that are easy to use and maintain with unparalleled integration and automation capabilities.
All The Tools to Guarantee Success
Download our Printable Datasheet with Additional Features and Key Insights
Transform Your CRM Into a Contact Center
Want to extend your CRM‘s core functionality so that you‘re able to give your customers the very best in personalized service?